Club robotique de Sophia-Antipolis

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Optimization of Eurobot scoring points

Sunday 27 September 2009, by Julien H.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Eurobot 2010 is available since yesterday, Saturday September 26th. As I am not really interested in the plot itself, I just started a reflexion concerning the best approach of points with the simple objective of optimized design of the robot.

I considered:
 the total count of scoring items for each kind
 how many points you get per item
 an estimation of the difficulty for each kind
 an estimation of the time to handle each item

The result is in this Excel file : just create a new combination and see the total score, total time and total complexity to be compared to the other combinations.

You can use this file in order to :
 design your robot, taking into account what you can get from your efforts
 test your robot once built, with accurate time for each time

For the moment, combinations of items are entered manually, but since I get some skills in operational research, I will try to use the Solver, a mathematical automation tool in Microsoft Excel to maximize the score and minimize the number of items, the complexity and the total time.

Please give me your feedback and own figures.

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