My name is Sebastien Corner and I am studying at the University of Virginia Tech in the United States.
I am doing a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering specialized in robotics.
Before attending this prestigious university, as lots of French engineering students, I went to French “Class preparatoire” for 2 years and did the first year of an engineering school at the Institut Supérieur d’Électronique et du Numérique ….(ISEN). I learnt a lot in this school but I did not enjoy my study, neither my student life. So I decided to change and went to Skema Bachelors (Sophia Antipolis, South of France). This school gives students the great benefice of studying abroad for 2 years (the 2 first years of your Bachelor are spent in Sophia Antipolis and the 2 last years abroad). Thanks to their excellent relationship with several universities around the world, I managed to transfer to Virginia Tech. If you are interested in studying abroad or want to know more information about American universities, send me an email, I will enjoy helping you.
I like robotics since it gives you the sensation of making things alive. I am always fascinated on seeing a machine working alone or just moving by itself. One of my favorite robots is the humanoid robot of Romela, Darwin, who plays soccer. Romela is the well reputed robotic association of my university. It is being considered as one of the most prestigious in the world. One of my goals is to become a part of this association; it is one of the best places to improve your skills in robotics. I suggest you have a look on the internet; they have a lots of interesting projects such as Charli, Mars, Impass and Darwin, etc.
Experience with Pobot
Concerning Pobot, robotic association in Sophia Antipolis, I joined them in January 2009. I was always interested in robotics but I had not done yet made a robot by myself. I thought it was too hard for me or that I did not have enough skills to make it…
So thanks to Pobot and Julien who helped me a lot, I managed to do my first robot whose name is Cerbac.